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compound fracture 【醫學】哆開[開放]骨折,有創骨折。

compound glass

Compound fractures of the limbs with attendant sepsis remained mostly unmanageable , with staggering morbidity a likely surgical outcome 四肢復合性骨折伴隨膿毒癥/敗血癥的驚人的死亡率/發病率在外科學上仍然未得到控制。

13 i ' d sweated through my share of stab wounds of the belly , of punctured lungs , of compound fractures 我戰戰兢兢地治療過交在我手下的腹部刺傷、肺部穿孔以及復合性骨折等病例。

It ' s a compound fracture 是粉碎性骨折

Another kind of break is an open or compound fracture 另一種骨折被稱為“開放性骨折”或“復合骨折” 。

Experimental study of criteria of compound fracture for frozen soil 型復合斷裂準則的試驗研究

Another kind of break is an open or compound fracture 另一種骨折是袒露的或者叫有創骨折。